Shopkeepers selling LPG in plastic bags in Peshawar

Shopkeepers selling LPG in plastic bags in Peshawar

As the winter season arrives in Pakistan, the demand for gas increased rapidly. Every year we witness a decline in supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) which is the gas used in homes for multiple purposes, in the kitchen and to operate heaters and generators.

In Peshawar due to the ongoing load shedding of the gas, shop keepers have started selling gas in polythene bags. Selling gas in such as a manner is not only a dangerous practice but is considered illegal in Pakistan as well. This can prove to be deadly for the human life as well.

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has taken notice of this illegal activity and have visited markets in Peshawar to put a stop on it. One of the biggest reasons why LPG can prove to be dangerous for human life is that since it is a odourless and tasteless gas, if the gas gets released from the plastic bag, you won’t be able to detect it and due to its highly inflammable nature, even the slightest contact with fire (lighters or cigarettes) can cause fatal accidents.

Another issue with selling LPG in plastic bags is that the polymers present in the plastic bags when mixed with the gas can turn the LPG into an unstable and unusable substance.

Proper storage of gas is extremely important to avoid major accidents. Gas must be stored in tanks or air tight cans which would minimize the chances of gas leakage. The containers storing the gas should be kept in a space with good ventilation and not in the basements so that if the gas leaks, it doesn’t cause suffocation.

Hence it is safe to say that, the LPG should be handled with care and stored properly or else it can lead major causalities.

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